Some More Info And Lore
ravendo is a cyborg farmer that got ran over in a tractor accident and had to get some robotic parts, he is very skilled in karate like extremely skilled and he knows how to fight,
He knows how to use a katana and has one,
He's inspired by Tunner,
His hat was ripped in the tractor incident so he's fixing it,
He's 48 years old,
He always carries around his beloved pitchfork,
Once his pitchfork and he cried for 5 hours straight before Cluckr told him "Get up old man you are a karate master or are your robotic parts just broken" he got up and got his pitchfork fixed,
Despite being a farmer he actually loves birds and feed them often,
His Right Hand is Robotic,
He always wears his hat even if it's broken and he loves it as much as his pitchfork,
There's a hidden triangle attenna thing under his hat,
He makes all of the food that all (Original) Sprunkis eat all by himself and makes food for Cody too

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