Ike is a kind person, And is a Extrovert. I don’t really have any lore for him yet, but I will make some later,and He is friends with Tunner, Oren, Clukr, Garnold, Jevin (one way friendship),Simon,Mr sun and tree,Fun bot,and Grey. Here is some more info about him:
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Best friend: Simon
Sound: Electric guitar
Horror mode: After Seeing Tunner get shot, He ran, but was shot by Wenda with Tunner’s revolver, and passed out.He was thought to be dead, but He was shot in a non lethal area,and He woke up a few hours later,and searched around for what happened, and found the other survivors and his wound was treated. I will make more lore for him later, and will post it.

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