Hey everybody, I know this may seem contrasting to my previous post or mood, I just want to publicly address this.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for being a terrible person. I'm not a very nice person, Pitaya. I'm really not. Not anymore. And I want to apologize all together to these people that I've wrecked in the past.

u/Money-Tomatillo367, I'm sorry for mentioning you, there is nothing wrong with your OC, I didn't mean for you to quit or stop making her. I'm truly sorry for being the reason you quit.

u/SinkPitiful1396, I'm sorry for being a dick to you when you asked a question, I was in a bad mental state from being the reason u/Money-Tomatillo367 quit, I genuinely will never do that again.

u/PitayaDragonCookie_, I'm so so sorry for exposing you to the Group Chat, I'm sorry you had to be falsely accused and made fun of. Nobody should ever do that, even as a joke.

u/Honest_Way2315, I'm sorry for being a weirdo to you in the Group Chat, that painted me as a fucking weirdo, which is something I never want to be. I don't have a proper sense of humor, and I'm sorry if that seemed really weird to you.

u/Tall-Trick-7476 and the rest of the Group Chat, I'm sorry for ruining the mood so many times, I'm sorry for hating myself, and I'm so so sorry for being weird.

Bonnie, I'm sorry for always starting drama even when I don't mean or want to, and I don't want to be the reason you quit again.

And I want to apologize the most to Emerson, my online friend. I'm sorry for being so uncomfortable with you, even if you said it didn't bother you. You let me off the hook many times, but deep inside, I knew you that you felt weird about me. I didn't know what HOCD or homophobia was at the time, and I'm sorry for using them, even again if you said it was fine. I wish I could go back and change everything, just to see you again after 3 years.

You can hate on me if you want, I deserve it, I'm an overall shitty person. Goodbye.

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