Clowney- Treated Cyan like sh!t, makes people literally die of laughter, sociopath, makes dirty and black humor jokes to kids, killed many people's. (reason: he just wanted to have fun, he didn't mean to)

Malu- you know what he did to Litz and Tessa. Bad treated his kids, ruined many lives, anger issues. (reason: he was extremely bad treated during his childhood)

Timo- killed people's even though he's blind, he's spying everyone with the eyes, all of those eyes are sprunkis that got experimented on by him, acts kind, liar (except with his feelings, he's really loving Rex), psychopath. (Reason: he was being bullied because he was blind and took revenge on those who asked for nothing)

Litz- killed Lime's whole family and Banana's parents, tried to take over the sprunki world…twice, hypnotized her victims to control their minds and have them as slaves, cannibal, psychopath, give nightmares. (Reason: she had a rough childhood and died then transformed into what she is now)

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