From u/dearfuse:
Sharon is a shy girl who is very kind to people. In horror mod, she turns into a cannibal that doesn't care if she knows you or not. She'll eat you the second she sees you.
From Me!
I like to think she was the second one to go insane after Wenda, and she was actually the one to kill Raddy. [Hence the missing half of his face], and the one who TRIED to kill Garnold, but she didn't like the taste of his visor, so she got pissed and shattered it.
She also attempted to attack Termy, But she de-aggroed when he showed her who she is, so she is intelligent in horror form… just… not incredibly so.
The height change is due to a slight mutation caused by the rapid change to a purely carnivorous diet, causing her spinal discs to part slightly more for more flexibility, but increasing her height as a side effect.
She also has a rather flexible throat and Abdomen because the flesh acts like elastic, simply so she can eat more at a time. Basically, HUNGRY HUNGRY BEAR BITCH.
In Base Form, however, Her and Termy may or may not be dating. She is rarely seen if not with him. She is INCREDIBLY strong, and could probably snap Clowney's spine if she so decided. The only thing stopping her from killing everyone is Termy, and vice versa.
Anyway! Appreciate the art, And I MIGHT draw someone's oc in the comments as a humanoid!
me and u/dearfuse agreed on making her a beartaur