This is for the creator of sprunki I understand it’s been hard with the hate and being hacked and the content farm but you got remember the positives I know you said in a post you never wanted to be popular but just look at so many people who actually love your game and I understand the content farm is irritating but it does happen to anything that does go viral unfortunately and I know you don’t want people playing your game copy and pasted onto another website but if you bring back maybe people will play the original more and this time I think more people are aware now where the original is . And it’s sad when I see a creator of anything give up on something wonderful they made . Do you remember flappy birds that was cancelled do to similar reasons and now you can only play copy and pasted versions or knock offs . If you keep going and do your best you will defeat the negative things that happen . You can’t show people or yourself that you are hopeless and you give up. Don’t give up on what you love and do.

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