have you ever hear of the video called I Got Arrested by BENJIxScarlet… well during an hour before it was published, someone Hacked the video, because during the 00:15 mark, it began to glitch, and cut to a Room with BenjixScarlet sitting on the bed, he had a blank expression looking down, it kinda lasted for 5 minutes, then a white text apeared saying "You hate yourself, think of the poor people you brainwash and rage bait them" which BenjixScarlet had a smile and was looking at the viewers, another text showed up "We Trojantube will clean away the brainwashers and ragebaiters", it then cut to a Deranged BenjixScarlet looking at the viewer, a text showed up saying "Everyone will be at peace when brainwashers and Ragebaiters are cleaned away" now it showed BenjixScarlett mimicking the 14.44 Suicide, when he shot himself it cut to the corpse of the suicider from 14.44, a text show up with subliminal messages like "Obey the TrojanTube, Kill for the TrojanTube, Eat for the TrojanTube, Spread the TrojanTube". i was kinda shocked by this, if you see something that is hacked by this sorta TrojanTube, do not learn these subliminal messages.

we're not sorry, Youtube Kids will succumb to the TrojanTube.

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