Ulatiar. An monster that can temp sprunkis for 64 minutes to kill averyone.
But here is the whole lore!
In 2013 december 12 an astronout landed on the moon and explored. But then. The sun kept getting brighter and brighter until he then was blimd and sunk into the moon.
After that an segret company called the "NEC"
found out about this. So they went to the moon finding ulatiar.
They were about to fight until it said.
"I will come for there shall be weakness all across the world. I shall rise. The coming is soon. Face me, like i faced the others." Then after that he tempted the soldiers to kill the others. Until one was left and ulatiar killed him easily
But an backup came up and put in in a special metal box. They came back to earth, digged and putted the box in the ground then covering it up. BUT on 2019 auguest 12 it ascaped then the company paniced trying to locate it. But it seemed to be averywhere.? They send all of the units. But unfortunetly. The same happend what happend to the soldiers on the moon.
Now it is in the world temping sprunkis to kill each other.